• Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

2019 Admissions (General Selection) Outline

Total Intake Numbers:

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences: 200 students
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences: 60 students
Faculty of International Communication: 80 students
Faculty of Economics and Management: 230 students

For further information on admission guidelines and application forms, click here

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences:

Students are selected based on an academic ability examination as well as a review of the submitted documents. Total of 300 points for the academic exam.
munication English Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ 100 points
Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ・A・B (Sequence and vectors) 100 points
Basic chemistry・Chemistry 100 points

Selection Category:
Round, B Round, C Round
Intake Numbers:
75 (A Round), 15 (B Round), 5 (C Round)

Application Period:
A Round: 17 Dec. ~ 24 Jan.

B Round: 4 Feb. ~ 20 Feb.
C Round: 21 Feb. ~ 8 Mar.

Test Date:
A Round: 3~4 Feb. (Exam can be sat on either day)
B Round: 27 Feb.

C Round: 14 Mar.

Test Location:

A Round: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo, Niigata, Toyama, Fukui, Nagano, Gifu, Naha, Kanazawa (Hokuriku University)
B Round: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Niigata, Toyama, Nagano, Naha, Kanazawa
(Hokuriku University)
C Round: Kanazawa
(Hokuriku University)

Announcement of Results:
A Round: 12 Feb.

B Round: 6 Mar.

C Round: 20 Mar.

Deadline for Enrollment Procedures:

A Round: 19 Feb.
B Round: 13 Mar.

C Round: 25 Mar.

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences:

Students are selected based on an academic ability examination as well as a review of the submitted documents.
Total of 300 points for the academic exam.
【Compulsory】Communication English Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ 100 points
【Elective】Japanese Language (Kokugo) or Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ・A・B (Sequence and vectors) 100 points (Choose one)
  Basic Chemistry/Chemistry or Basic Biology/Biology or Basic Chemistry/Basic Biology 100 points (Choose one)

Selection Category:
A Round, B Round

Intake Numbers:

25 (A Round), 5 (B Round)

Application Period:
A Round: 17 Dec. ~ 24 Jan.

B Round: 4 Feb. ~ 20 Feb.

Test Date:
A Round:
3~4 Feb. (Exam can be sat on either day)
B Round: 27 Feb.

Test Location:
A Round: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo, Niigata, Toyama, Fukui, Nagano, Gifu, Naha, Kanazawa (Hokuriku University)
B Round: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Niigata, Nagano, Toyama, Naha, Kanazawa (Hokuriku University)

Announcement of Results:
A Round: 12 Feb.
B Round: 6 Mar.

Deadline for Enrollment Procedures:

A Round: 19 Feb.

B Round: 13 Mar.

Faculty of International Communication:

  Students are selected based on an academic ability examination as well as a review of the submitted documents.
Total of 300 points for the academic exam.
Those who have passed any of the below examinations will receive any additional 10 or 20 points added to their final mark.
10 points:

Eiken Pre-Level 2, TOEFL iBT 30 or above, TOEIC 340 or above, GTEC CBT 640 or above, GTEC for Students 450 or above

20 points:

Eiken Level 2 or above, TOEFL iBT 40 or above, TOEIC 440 or above, GTEC CBT 700 or above, GTEC for Students 485 or above
Communication English Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ 200 points
Japanese Language (Kokugo) 100 points

Selection Category:

A Round, B Round

Intake Numbers:

25 (A Round),
5 (B Round)

Application Period:

A Round:
17 Dec. ~ 24 Jan.

B Round: 4 Feb. ~ 20 Feb.

Test Date:
A Round:
3~4 Feb. (Exam can be sat on either day)
B Round: 27 Feb.

Test Location:
A Round: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo, Niigata, Toyama, Fukui, Nagano, Gifu, Naha, Kanazawa (Hokuriku University)
B Round: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Niigata, Nagano, Toyama, Naha, Kanazawa (Hokuriku University)

Announcement of Results:
A Round: 12 Feb.

B Round: 6 Mar.

Deadline for Enrollment Procedures:

A Round: 19 Feb.

B Round: 13 Mar.

Faculty of Economics and Management:

Students are selected based on an academic ability examination as well as a review of the submitted documents.
Total of 200 points for the academic exam.
Those who have passed any of the below examinations will receive any additional 10 or 20 points added to their final mark.

10 points:

Eiken Pre-Level 2, TOEFL iBT 30 or above, TOEIC 340 or above, GTEC CBT 640 or above, GTEC for Students 450 or above

20 points:

Eiken Level 2 or above, TOEFL iBT 40 or above, TOEIC 440 or above, GTEC CBT 700 or above, GTEC for Students 485 or above
Communication English Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ 100 points

Japanese Language (Kokugo) 100 points

Selection Category:

A Round, B Round

Intake Numbers:

50 (A Round), 10 (B Round)

Application Period:

A Round:
17 Dec. ~ 24 Jan.
B Round: 4 Feb. ~ 20 Feb.

Test Date:

A Round:
3~4 Feb. (Exam can be sat on either day)
B Round: 27 Feb.

Test Location:

A Round: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo, Niigata, Toyama, Fukui, Nagano, Gifu, Naha, Kanazawa
(Hokuriku University)
B Round: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Niigata, Nagano, Toyama, Naha, Kanazawa (Hokuriku University)

Announcement of Results:

A Round: 12 Feb.

B Round: 6 Mar.

Deadline for Enrollment Procedures:
A Round: 19 Feb.

B Round: 13 Mar.