• Hokuriku University Educational Reform Symposium

Hokuriku University Educational Reform Symposium

 A symposium was held by Hokuriku University on the 4th December at the Kanazawa Cultural Hall discussing the educational reforms currently being carried out at the high school level as well as the university level and more importantly, the transition stage between the two levels. Around 200 people involved in secondary and tertiary education from around Japan participated in this symposium.

 Hase Hiroshi, a member of the House of Representatives as well as former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) provided a keynote lecture outlining the educational reforms currently being carried out by the government. Hamaguchi Takumi, representing the higher education reform committee within MEXT as well as Narita Hideo, representing Kawaijuku (an educational institution for high school students), also gave keynote lectures introducing the changes they are currently seeing in their respective fields.    

 After the keynote lectures, a panel discussion was held involving Uesugi Masato, Vice Principal at Sakuragaoka High School (Kanazawa City), Omori Akio, President of Maebashi Kokusai University (Gunma Prefecture), Yoshimura Mitsunori of Nippon Bunri University (Oita Prefecture) and Yamamoto Keiichi, Advisor to the President at Hokuriku University. Each member discussed the changes occurring at the high school and university level. Of note, Uesugi mentioned the changes currently being made to the national high school testing examination and its implementation in 2020 and how junior high schools, senior high schools as well as universities will need to adapt their educational curriculum in order to accommodate the changes.

Hase Hiroshi, Member of the House of Representatives and former Minister of MEXT

Hase Hiroshi

Yamamoto Keiichi, advisor to the president at Hokuriku University

Ogura Tsutomu, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and President of Hokuriku University

Uesugi Masato, Vice Principal of Sakuragaoka High School